Finwizz Retail Finance Pvt. Ltd.


All Personal Information of the borrowers shall be treated as Private and Confidential and shall be guided by the following principles & policies. We shall not reveal Information or data relating to borrower accounts, whether provided by the customers or otherwise, to anyone, including our affiliates other than in the following exceptional cases:

  • If the Company is required to provide the information to any statutory or regulatory body or bodies or otherwise required under any law;
  • If arising out of a duty towards the public to reveal the information;
  • If our interests require us to give the Information (for example, to prevent fraud) but it shall not be used as a reason for giving information about the borrower or borrower’s accounts (including customer name & address) to anyone else for marketing purposes;
  • If the borrower has authorised the Company to provide such information to its group / associate/ entities or companies or any such person/ entity as specifically agreed upon;
  • If we are asked to give a reference about a borrower, we shall obtain his / her written permission before giving it;
  • The borrower shall be informed to the extent of his / her rights under the existing legal framework for accessing the personal records that we hold about him / her;
  • We shall not use borrower’s personal information for marketing purposes by anyone including ourselves unless the customer specifically authorizes us to do so.